A dialogue between contemporary dance and the visual artsParallel events
(in Greek)
Saturday 13 November 2021, 12:30
From Isadora Duncan to the Isadora & Raymond Duncan Dance Research Center: A ‘dance house’ of 120 years.
Penelope Iliaskou, Artistic Director of the Isadora & Raymond Duncan Dance Research Center
Saturday 20 November 2021, 12:30
Dance and Image: An unpredictable relationship. Famous artists with famous choreographers during the 20th century.
Nina Alkalay, Dance theorist
Saturday 27 November 2021, 12:30
Image and choreographic thoughts: A journey through the texts that accompany the exhibition ‘Dance & Image’.
Steriani Tsintziloni, Dance Theorist and Historian, PhD
Saturday 4 December 2021, 12.30
A picture is worth a thousand words: What and how does Dance narrate?
Betina Panagiotara, Dance Theorist-Researcher
Saturday 11 December 2021, 12.30
Artists’ talks: Nikos Giavropoulos, Stelios Baklavas,
Tassos Triandafyllou, Aliki Chiotaki
Saturday 18 December 2021, 12.30
Performance ‘Dancing sketches’ (recorded)
Christina Foitou, Artist, and Katerina Bella, Dancer-Choreographer-Teacher of Contemporary Dance and Improvisation, Duncan Dance Research Center
The screening will be followed by a discussion with the contributors
Saturday 15 January 2022, 11:00-12.30
– Movement creates space: Exploring the synergy between Dance and Architecture.
Sofia Kondylia, Choreographer-Dancer-Architect
– From body to space, from space to videodance.
Chrysanthi Badeka, Choreographer-Cinematographer-Videodance trainer
Guest speaker: Christina Sotiropoulou, Fashion and costume designer
Saturday 22 January 2022, 11:00-12.30
– Contemporary dance and the visual arts: the development of performance as a hybrid field of convergence.
Ioanna Tzartzani, Assistant Dance Professor, Department of Theatrical Studies, University of Peloponnese
– Dance and Art History: From depictions of movement to dance exhibitions and ‘dancing’ museums.
Manolis Karterakis, Art historian-curator, G. Gounaropoulos Museum
All events will take place online, on zoom https://zoom.us/j/6413477611?pwd=czJBWkpQcjcxdHZyNGhmaTZNSW8rUT09
with live streaming on the museum’s facebook page.