The G. Gounaropoulos Museum was founded in 1979 and opened its doors a year later, on 8 February 1980. It is located at the house-studio of painter Giorgos Gounaropoulos in the Ano Ilisia district of Athens. The Museum collection comprises more than forty oil paintings and drawings by the artist, part of his personal archive and objects from his everyday life. The building and the collection were donated by Elias Gounaropoulos, the artist’s son, to the Municipality of Zografos. The museum aims mainly to the promotion of the artist's work to a general audience.

In 1994, the Municipality of Zografos added a new building next to the artist’s house-studio. The new building, under the name of “Art and Cultural Centre”, expanded the museum's operations by hosting temporary exhibitions and events, of both artistic and broader cultural content (painting, sculpture, photography, literature, poetry, folk art, etc.).
The Art and Cultural Centre features three halls:
- The "Giorgos Gounaropoulos Hall", where temporary painting, sculpture, photography, etc., exhibitions are held.
- The "Stratis Tsirkas Hall", where publications and personal objects of the author are exhibited. This hall is also used for temporary exhibitions.
- The "Giorgos Pavlatos Hall", where lectures, screenings, etc., are hosted.
The two buildings form a single cultural compound called the "G. Gounaropoulos Museum”, which operates as a public legal entity supervised by the Municipality of Zografos. It is administered by a 9-member Board, whose term coincides with that of the elected Municipal Authority each time.